Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back at it!

Well I am finally feeling better but still am not completely 100%. I went back to running a week ago. It probably was not the smartest thing I've ever done. I had only run about 3 1/2 miles in a week and a half and then I decided to try my long run. I ran for 8 miles in 71 minutes. I was extremely happy with this time after not running much. So now I'm back on my 1/2 marathon training schedule. I need to add some hills into my workouts, so I mapped a few new routes. I happen to work on a long hill, so I will run up and down it at least once a week. The hill is about 2.5 miles top to bottom!
Also, I bought Jillian Michaels' 30 day Shred since I saw so many bloggers talk about it. It is a pretty good workout. I don't sweat or anything, but it combines weights, cardio and abs. It's just 20 minutes, but you work the whole time. She has 3 levels. I think I'll do one more week on level one since I have a weaker upper body than lower body. This is a main goal for me...not to just do cardio. I really need to add strength training to my workouts. Last year, I was 10 lbs. lighter, but I ran hard everyday. Though I was as small as I've ever been, I know this is not good on my joints or knees so I don't run every day anymore. I am up to 4 times a week now, but I need to workout more than that. The off days is where I will be strength training. I still like to do my Wii Fit, but it's more resistance than strength I would say. I have been using my new marathon stick to roll out my muscles after running. I love it! My sons love it to unfortunately so I have to search for it each time because they run off with it!
I was very happy that the Easter bunny brought healthy treats to my sons. They got new soccer balls, a goal net, soft bats, soft baseballs, and pitching machine, and a jump rope. They got yummy naughty treats too, but they went out side in their jammies this morning to play baseball and soccer. I love it! My 3 year olds always want to exercise with mommy. The funny this is, they are usually naked when they do it. It's hard to do Pilates when I'm laughing at my naked 3 year olds lifting their legs like mommy! They are also always picking up my hand weights. I'm worried they are going to drop them on their toes one of these days! But hopefully my active lifestyle is rubbing off on them!

Last Sunday- Ran 8 miles 71 minutes
Monday- Level 1 30 day Shred
Tuesday- Ran 3.5 miles
Wednesday- Level 1 30 Day Shred
Thursday- Ran 1 mile warm up, 5 miles tempo, 1 mile cool down
Friday- Ran 2 miles with hill work
Saturday- rest
This Sunday- Ran 9 miles in 79 minutes...Need new shoes since knees are starting to hurt!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Feeling the Love

Wow you blogger buddies of mine really know how to make a girl feel loved. First, my blogger friend Purple Moonflower nominated me for this award:I have to name 7 things I love and then 7 blogs I love. So here they are:

  1. I love my family (husband, kids, and mom).

  2. I love my job.

  3. I love Weight Watchers and how it's helped me be a healthy person.

  4. I love running until I'm nice and sweaty.

  5. I love to dance and music that makes me want to dance.

  6. I love a nice hot bubble bath.

  7. I love our Wii Fit Sports.

Now for bloggers I love. I have some new favs that I'd like to share the love to:

Marcy @ I Signed Up for This? for her humor, love of running, and all things trashtastic.

Lauren @ Weight Watchers Changed My Life for her tips and inspiration.

Sheryl @ *Bitch Cakes*: A Neurotic Glamour Girl's Weight Watchers Experience and Fitness Adventures for more Weight Watchers tips...especially if I miss a meeting she has a summary every week!

Annette @ Annette's Awakening because she's lost 85 lb.s so far completely on her own and she is so positive!

Natalie @ Lil Runner because she's a new mom and just an awesome athlete! She ran throughout her pregnancy and is doing the Boston Marathon soon and she just gave birth in Feb.!!!

D10 @ Just Running For Fun because she runs marathons just for fun!

Miz @ MizFitOnline because we all love and want to be her!

Second, I am currently being featured as an inspirational story at This is an amazing fitness site full of exercise, health, and food tips. It is run by David and his wife Cara. Hop over there and check out their site! I also want to give a shout out to David's personal weight loss blog. I love that I have followers that are male. We all have our issues right!?!

Thank you all and I am appreciating the love on this particular day. I still am sick and pushed myself too hard again Mon-Wed. So today I just feel blah. It's probably due to the lack of sleep I've had the last 2 nights thanks to my cough. I hate the way I feel waking up from NyQuil, but I guess I'm going to need to keep taking it since that has been the only way I can sleep lately. I moved to my couch last night to try and elevate my head, but I still didn't sleep soundly. TOM and lack of running doesn't help my energy level much either!

One more thanks and that's to you friends who gave me the tip on adding flax in the morning. I forgot that I bought a giant tub of it at Costco awhile ago. I think I gave it up because I thought it was adding to my tummy problems. Both yesterday and today I had some on my cereal. I am amazed to say I did not have a giant munchfest last night even when I drank a few glasses of wine (which I hardly ever do on week nights but I took FIVE kids to Chuck E. Cheese's by myself and I needed it). Maybe it's that morning full o' flax! Thanks all and much love to you!