The other day I went to order my normal coffee order: 20 oz. iced sugar free skinny vanilla latte (2 pts.).

barista says to me, "Why are you ordering a skinny?" Shocked, I think my mouth dropped a little, I said, "Because I have to." Then she started to laugh a little...laugh!!! I was bracing myself to get pissed or defensive. What was she getting at? Can't I get a coffee without being harassed??? Then she said, "You don't need to you're so skinny, you're perfect." My first thought can she even see me? I'm sitting, buckled up, in my mini van??? Then, instead of being gracious and just saying 'thank you' I said:
Excuse #1 "Well you don't know what I looked like before."
Excuse #2 "I was almost 200 lbs. at 5'4."
Excuse #3 "I had twins just 2 1/2 years ago that stretched out my tummy, so I'm recovering from a tummy tuck."
This is why my husband says he no longer compliments me. I have a real issue with the word
skinny. Skinny girls were the girls I grew up with who could eat anything they wanted and would
still be 100 lbs. I would NEVER use that word to describe me. I would say I'm healthier, more fit, weigh less than before. Not Skinny. Hopefully some day I won't
have such an aversion to this word. Again, I'm sure people are thinking, "Why is she complaining??? I'd LOVE to be called skinny." I used to think I would love it to. I just don't see it yet.